Friday, January 4, 2008

People on the move pics

Finally found a place that would work with my camera, but the Internet connection is so slow that it takes for ever to upload pictures. I figure everyone has seen tonnes of pictures of Angkor Wat, so I figured I'd put up something different- pictures of some of the fun vehicles around here!

Also some folks have asked why I didn't get the Vietnam visa ahead of time and the answer is I'm lazy! The issue with Vietnam is that you have to specify exactly when and where you will be coming and going, any variation and it's paper work city. If I had been WAY more organized about this trip, I would have had a real plan and could have gotten the visa ahead of time. As it turned out, I was pretty much guessing at dates arrival and departure dates, and this was on the day I was planning on apply for the visa!

Hope everyone is well!

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