I made it to Korea! It was an uneventful trip (the best kind when you're flying!), and somewhere over the Pacific it finally set in that I was
actually going on this trip! My route was from Albuquerque, to San Fransico, to Nagoya, Japan and then a short hop over to Busan. I sat next to a very nice Brit on the US to Japan leg. His job was working on a boat laying communication cables at the bottom of the ocean, he'd been all over the world doing it. The jobs you never think of, yet we couldn't live without.
I was very glad to have some one to meet me at the airport in Busan, because after being in route for 22 hours I was in no shape to figure out anything as complicated as hailing a cab in a foreign country! I probably would have ended up sleeping in the airport if it was left up to me! I haven't seen much other then the bus ride back from the airport, and it was dark even then. I promptly feel asleep for 10 hours and awakened at 5 in the am. Much better then awaking at 5 in their pm, which is about 7 am for me, so I hope that I am well on my way to beating the jet lag. Below are some picture of the first leg of my journey.
The Boeing 777 that safely carried me across the ocean. Good plane!!

Damn, I really wanted to play on the travelator!

A vending machine in Nagoya. Hard to see it, but the bottles on the top row are selling sweat! Talk a product for the lazy man, you don't have to bother with making your own sweat, just buy some of this and dump it on. You'll look like you just worked out for an hour!
Lazy Indeed! How do they collect the sweat and bottle it? Crazy!
Nah, they can't bottle sweat. Did it really say to pour it over yourself?
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